Project news |
results published as a Special Issue of Land Contamination & Reclamation |
2007-06 |
This special edition of Land Contamination & Reclamation
has been edited by Tamás Meggyes and Karl Ernst Roehl. The papers
represent a major part of the studies and research performed in the
work packages of this project and give a good overview of what the project
team thinks is relevant when addressing safety and environmental issues
related to tailings facilities.
The 'Tailsafe
Resource' is online |
2005-11 |
As one of the major achievements of the TAILSAFE project, the Tailsafe
Resource, a web-based risk reduktion framework, is now online. It is a
tool to help identify critical parameters and parameter values in the
design, construction, operation and closure of a tailings facility. It
incorporates diagnostic routines which lead the user to typical prevention,
solution, or mitigation measures and strategies to reduce the risk of
tailings facility failure. The Resource is hosted at |
Click on the picture to access the Tailsafe Resource in a new window
(external link!): |
The final TAILSAFE
project meeting took place in Karlsruhe, Germany |
2005-10-05/06 |
The final regular project meeting took place on October 5-6, 2005, in
Karlsruhe, Germany. It was hosted by Karlsruhe University's Department
of Applied Geology (AGK). The meeting was attended by 30 participants
from all project partner institutions and 3 members of the TAILSAFE Expert
Advisory Panel (TS-EAP). Dr. Cliff Banninger, coordinator of the EU partner
project e-EcoRisk, also participated in the meeting. |
Pictures of the meeting (click to enlarge) |
Meeting room I. |
Meeting room II. |
The group on the way to lunch
break . |
e-EcoRisk |
2005-06-01 |
A meeting between the coordinators of the two projects TAILSAFE and
e-EcoRisk ("A Regional Enterprise Network Decision-Support
System for Environmental Risk and Disaster Managementof Large-Scale
Industrial Spills", see e-EcoRisk
website) was conducted in Karlsruhe, Germany, to identify and assess
their complementarity and foster further cooperation. |
visited Transgold tailings facilities in Baia Mare, Romania |
2005-05-27/28 |
A field visit to the Baia Mare Tailings Retreatment Project of Transgold
S.A. in Baia Mare was conducted in May 2005, visiting the company's processing
plants and tailings ponds. The field visit was followed by an ad-hoc project
team meeting in Baia Mare. |
Pictures of the field visit (click to enlarge) |
Transgold tailings pond near Baia
Mare. |
The group on the tailings dam. |
field trip to Cornwall, England |
2005-04-20/21 |
A field trip to various sites in Cornwall related to mining, tailings
and quarry afteruse was conducted in April 2005. The group is grateful
to IMERYS Minerals Ltd. for guiding us around their site presenting their
Kaolin mining and processing and tailings disposal facilities, and for
hosting a hald-day ad-hoc project team meeting in their premises in St.
Austell. Other places visited included the Eden Project near St. Austell
and the Penlee Quarry Project near Newlyn. |
Pictures of the field trip (click to enlarge) |
The TAILSAFE team in Cornwall. |
The Eden Project. |
Penlee Quarry. |
project meeting took place in Seville, Spain |
2005-01-25/28 |
The 5th regular project meeting took place on January 25-28, 2005, in
Seville, Spain. It was hosted by the EU's Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies (IPTS). The meeting was followed by field trips to the Aznalcollar
Green Corridor Rehabilitation Project and the tailings facilities of the
recently opened Aguablance Nickel Mine. |
Pictures of the meeting (click to enlarge) |
Don Litten, head of the IPTS'
European IPPC Bureau, welcomes the consortium. |
Field trip to the Aznalcollar
Green Corridor Rehabilitation Project. |
Visiting the Aguablanca Mine's
tailings facilities. |
The TAILSAFE project
at GREEN 4 |
2004-06 |
Three papers directly related to the TAILSAFE project have been presented
at the 4th International Symposium on Geotechnics Related to the Environment
- GREEN 4, June 28 - July 1, 2004, in Wolverhampton, UK:
J. Engels, D. Dixon-Hardy: Tailings impoundments - a growing environmental
R. Frilander, K. Kreft-Burman, J. Saarela: Some legal aspects of tailings
dams safety - existing authorisation, management, monitoring and inspection
T. Meggyes, Á. Debreczeni: Novel solutions in tailings management. |
project meeting took place in Berlin, Germany |
2004-05-25/28 |
The TAILSAFE Mid-term Meeting took place on May 25-28 at the Federal
Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin. The consortium
was honoured by the presence of Mr. Ken Lyell, Anglo-American, Dr. Tobias
Fuchs, European Commission, Dr. Cliff Banninger, e-EcoRisk coordinator
and Dr. Karl Kast, ICOLD. The meeting was followed by a field trip to
tailings facilities of Wismut GmbH in Eastern Germany and a visit to the
City of Weimar. |
Pictures of the meeting (click to enlarge) |
Prof. Henneke, BAM's president
welcomes the consortium. |
Working group session. |
Visiting Wismut tailings facilities. |
project meeting took place in Athens, Greece |
2003-12-10/12 |
The meeting took place on December 10-12 at the Dept. of Mining and
Metallurgical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens
(NTUA), and included a field trip to the ancient mining site of Lavrion. |
Pictures of the meeting (click to enlarge) |
In the meeting room at NTUA, Athens. |
In the meeting room at NTUA, Athens. |
Greek winter, on the Lavrion tailings. |
visited tailings facilities near Stei, Romania |
2003-11-27/28 |
A team from TAILSAFE involved in Workpackages 5 and 6 (s. "Overview"
and "Project Tasks" at the websites navigation bar on the right),
namely representatives from BAM, Karlsruhe University and ICPMRR, visited
the tailings facilities and ore processing plants of BAITA S.A.. near
Stei, Romania. Objective of the visit was to evaluate if the site is suitable
as a case study site for the project and to foster cooperation with the
site owning company. |
project meeting took place in Helsinki, Finland |
2003-07-09/11 |
The meeting was organised by SYKE - Finnish Environment Institute, Dept.
for Expert Services. The project group was honoured to welcome Dr. Arthur
Penman, member of the TAILSAFE Expert Advisory Panel (TS-EAP), to this
meeting. |
Pictures of the meeting (click to enlarge) |
Group picture in front of Villa
Tallbo in Rauma. |
In the meeting room at SYKE, Helsinki. |
On the boat, near Kokemäki. |
Site visit, Outokumpu Harjavalta
Metals Oy, Harjavalta. |
Site visit, Outokumpu Harjavalta
Metals Oy, Harjavalta. |
Site visit, Outokumpu Harjavalta
Metals Oy, Harjavalta. |
The TAILSAFE International
Forum is online! |
2003-07 |
The TAILSAFE International Forum (TS-IF) is intended to facilitate access
from industry and other interested parties to data releases and progress
reports arising from the TAILSAFE Project. It is administered by MIRO
and can be accessed at |
The TAILSAFE project
at ConSoil 2003 |
2003-05-12/16 |
The TAILSAFE project has been presented at the 8th International FZK/TNO
Conference on Contaminated Soil in Gent/Belgium. |
kick-off meeting took place in Leeds, England |
2003-01-22/24 |
The meeting was organised by the University of Leeds, Department of
Mining and Mineral Engineering (within the School of Process, Environmental
and Materials Engineering - SPEME) and School of Civil Engineering. Prof.
Dr. Geoffrey Walton joined the project group during most of the presentations
and discussions. |
Pictures of the meeting (click to enlarge) |
TAILSAFE shell has been created and is maintained by Federal Institute
for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) |